The terms Artificial Intelligence and pedagogy are connected with each other in two broad aspects, one being the pedagogy to be followed for the learners of the Artificial Intelligence course and the other being the overall impact that Artificial intelligence will have in the pedagogy. The latter concerns how pedagogy may evolve with Artificial Intelligence, the implications, and the facets of AI that instructors must learn about in order to adopt it for its most effective inclusion in the teaching-learning processes. Changing scenarios in teaching-learning processes such as embracing a student-centric approach, changing learners’ attitudes, demands, need of imparting skills like never before, advancements in technology and availability of technology tools highlights the importance of Artificial Intelligence in pedagogical approaches. A few anomalous developments such as Covid-19 in the year 2020 have compelled the need for immediate and exhaustive use of Artificial Intelligence. Keeping these facts in mind, the various pedagogical approaches, design and integration of pedagogical solutions based on Artificial Intelligence are explored. The support for inside classroom learning activities, facilities extended for independent learning, mentoring, tutoring, assessment and evaluation, are also critically reviewed. The present chapter is based mainly on this aspect of the effect and role of Artificial Intelligence shall play in pedagogy and teaching-learning processes in general.