Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have become among the main examination points inside the medical services frameworks, which are regularly employed to help doctors to make more precise and accurate analyses. Applying these methods to clinical decision support system would undoubtedly reveal an absence currently of suitable models. Consequently, recent studies have focused on assessing distinctive AI classifiers with the point of identifying the most appropriate classifier to be employed for specific dynamic issue areas. Most of these studies have utilized a single dataset inside a specific clinical-related characterization space. In any case, assessing AI classifiers from one sample of information is sub-optimal, possibly failing to capture the classifiers’ capabilities or their personal conduct standards under various conditions. The fundamental point was to represent not just the effect of the volume and quality of the datasets on the assessment, but also (and more significantly) present the classifiers’ strengths and weaknesses under specific conditions; this could provide a direction or guideline with which to help health specialists to decide the most appropriate classifier to address a specific clinical-related dynamic issue. Harmful cancerous growths have been represented as a group of different subtypes. The early identification of a harmful tumor type has become a necessity in disease research, as it can encourage the early and appropriate use of medicine-based management of patients. The importance of classifying patients with malignant cancers into high-risk or relatively safe categories has driven many examination studies, from the study of how life and medicine work together and the bioinformatics field to the use of AI. In this way, these strategies have been used as a means by which to show the developments in therapy of dangerous conditions. Furthermore, the ability of machine learning (ML) to identify key highlights from complex datasets underlines the importance of ML. The use of ML can improve our understanding of malignant cancer development, and an appropriate degree of approval is needed for these strategies to be considered in standard medicine-based practice.