The chin is a cornerstone of facial composition and any imbalance of proportion or symmetry can have a negative impact on facial harmony. Genioplasty is routinely performed to redress this either in isolation or in conjunction with orthognathic surgery. While alloplastic techniques are described, this chapter focuses on the osseous genioplasty which has far greater versatility of application. The chin can be defined by the labiomental crease superiorly, the oral commissures laterally and the submentalcervical crease inferiorly. Anteriorly, paired mentalis muscles originate from the incisive fossa and attach into the labiomental sulcus to elevate, evert and protrude the lip and dimple the chin. Evaluation of the chin and lower third of the face should be assessed in relation to the middle and upper thirds, with teeth in occlusion, relaxed lips and natural head posture. Consideration of lip position, labiomental fold, chin/neck angle, chin projection, contour and symmetry are important.