In this growing world of technology, the number of IoT smart devices is proliferating. Each of these devices generate vast amounts of data including variety and velocity factors. To handle this abounding data and its processing, a decentralized infrastructure came into existence termed as Fog Computing. Basically, a Foggy environment acts like a catalyst for analysis and processing of data leading to the emergence of a more efficient model. The most promising factor of Fog Computing is providing secure and immediate response to extremely critical data, which may include time-sensitive decisions, response to critical system failure, and highly critical alerts needing immediate action; this is accomplished by conducting analysis of data closer to the edge device. Although the data no longer has to travel to the cloud and face traffic congestion, analysis of sensitive data at fog nodes or foggy environments raises security and privacy concerns.

This chapter will discuss security and privacy challenges faced in Fog Computing with an introduction to fog computing, its applications covering smart meters, healthcare systems, software defined networks and importance with real-life use case scenarios. The need of security in different concepts and architecture of Fog Computing like fog nodes, data traveling to fog nodes, wired and wireless network security concerns along with the existing security implementation in foggy environments will be highlighted in this chapter. Inside a foggy environment, data at rest and the data in transit have their own security implementations and possible attack scenarios. This chapter will also cover the cases where attacks such as sniffing, man-in-the-middle, Privilege escalation, and virtualization attacks are possible along with other attack scenarios which raise high integrity and privacy concerns of the highly critical and sensitive data which is being transmitted and analyzed in this foggy environment.