In this article, we present a five-compartment epidemiological model to analyze the role of social media and its awareness on emerging diseases. These diseases are caused by newly identified and previously unknown infections that pose a major public health concern. Some of them observed in recent times include Swine flu, Ebola, Nipah fever and the latest Coronavirus infection. Preparedness plays a big role in combatting these diseases. In case of an outbreak, correct health information and proper health guidelines need to be dissipated among the general public swiftly. In the above contexts, social media is emerging as a vital tool. It has the capacity to develop into our go-to solution for raising awareness in case of any sudden epidemic or pandemic of these emerging diseases. Based on this aspect, we formulated our model. The model analysis focused on the role of social media and the awareness spread by it over the system. It showed that the rate of contact between the susceptible unaware and infective class and also dissemination rate of awareness among susceptible play a major role to stabilize the system. Further, our study reveals that a decrease in immigration rate is a major determinant in rendering the system disease free. Increased treatment rate is also essential for decreasing the infected cases. Numerical simulations establish our results and establish the impact of social media in case of outbreak of emerging diseases.