The construction industry is making a shift towards automation and digitization due to the raised growth of communication and information technologies. These technologies will transform the design, planning, implementation, and operation and maintenance of construction projects. As the implementation of CPSs is growing, security challenges are also rising and need to be taken into consideration. Operating in a digital environment makes the construction industry significantly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Several cyberattacks have already happened in the construction industry to disrupt operations, tamper with existing records, access unauthorized files, steal proprietary information. Given the various attacks and threats that the CPSs domain suffers from, failures that could affect the CPSs are timing, content, sensors, service, budget, and schedule failures. These failures will result in delays, affecting performance, financial losses, loss of life, and disclosure of information. Many threats modelling these were developed to understand cybersecurity threats and devise effective and efficient action plans like (STRIDE, PASTA, VAST, etc.). CPSs in the construction industry must fulfil privacy, consistency, dependability, resiliency, reliability, interaction, and coordination requirements to form a well-designed and trustworthy system. Many security solutions for sensor networks can be applied to CPSs in the construction industry, like encryption solutions.