In the last few years, industrial companies have been going through many changes related directly to market variations as well as altering requisites from suppliers and customers, necessitating modern technological plans and strategies and intervention strategies in production processes. Visual technologies with artificial intelligence have a vital function in production and manufacturing, especially in growing Industry 4.0 contexts with machine intelligence, human-robot joint project and learning industries. The objective of Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0) is to overlay modeling on just a realistic manufacturing section that can investigate the least defined concepts as well as assist the correction of obstacles. VR implementation in smart manufacturing allows the company to reduce design and manufacturing expenses that retain the quality of the product as well as improve service delivery to get from the product design to implementation. This chapter represents the importance of multimedia commuting, virtual reality techniques and their different aspects and practical limitations for creating industrial automation environments. In this chapter, we analyze difficulties and explanations on how the combination of graphics, virtual reality and vision as well as communications innovations can improve the importance of carriers in this modern context.