This chapter presents the variability of the physical parameter in Prydz Bay, which is bounded by the open sea to the north surrounded by, clockwise, the Prydz gyre and a vast polar ice sheet to the south. Instrumental Seals data supported scientific communities to describe the variability in the Prydz Bay south of the polar frontal zone. An attempt has been made to highlight the changes that occurred in space and time in Prydz Bay based on previous studies. The major water masses that exist in Prydz Bay are briefly explained and demonstrated using a potential temperature and salinity diagram. The vertical sections of potential temperature shown the occurrence of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) below 200 m between 65°E and 75°E near to slope of the Prydz Bay along the 66.3°S transect. The presence of mCDW flows onto Prydz Bay occurs further south below 100 m in pockets in the transect of 67°S between 72°E to 78.5°E and 74°E. Time and space analyses have shown the entrance of CDW into the Prydz Bay near the shelf break during summer having warmer and saltier water characteristics, as identified. There exists variability in the extension of mCDW each year in both isopycnal surfaces on a spatial and temporal scale. The distribution of −1.7°C isotherm on potential temperature and salinity highlight the annual variability in space and time and the extent of the mCDW signal to the interior of the bay as isotherm −1.7°C extended more southward 68.5°S with small pockets up to 69°S. The continental shelf region of the bay is influenced by the signature of warm mCDW responsible for the climate change in Prydz Bay due to the strong winds blowing from northeast to southwest in the Larsemann Hills region.