Over the last decade, the global expansion of urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural activities has led to the release of various toxic inorganic pollutants into our water bodies. The increasing level of toxic inorganic pollutants that are disposed into the water bodies as industrial wastes poses a serious threat to human health, living resources, and ecological systems. The technology to get clean water by removing these inorganic pollutants from water bodies is an emerging issue and therefore researchers across the globe have gained considerable interest in the development of highly efficient and environmentally-friendly nanomaterial adsorbents for wastewater remediation. Among the various nanomaterials, nanocellulose, which is a renewable and environment friendly material, has received growing attention due to its unique surface chemistry, chemical inertness, recyclability, and reusability. In this book chapter, we have summarized the techniques employed for the synthesis of nanocellulose-based adsorbents and how functionalized nanocellulose affects the adsorption behavior of toxic metal ion pollutants from wastewater.