Coriander (Coriandrum sativum or C. sativum) is a commonly used domestic cooking spice. However, coriander’s functionality can be extended to many traditional or modern medicinal uses. Coriander contains bioactive phytochemicals that promote the human body’s biological activities. Its extracts can be antioxidant, anticancer, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anxiolytic, and neuroprotective agents. Sometimes, coriander is used for migraine-relieving, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory purposes. On the other hand, as an essential animal production industry, poultry faces challenges with the increased demand for wholesome poultry meat. In order to obtain maximum growth potential, antibiotic growth promoters were in use, but their usage is much restricted now. High-density poultry cultivation causes waste management, infectious pathogen, and heat shock issues. Although in-feed antibiotics significantly increase poultry production’s commerciality, more natural in-feed alternatives are being explored. Coriander is one of the potential poultry feed additives for achieving higher production efficiency. It is worth noting that natural spices as an overall in-feed additive in poultry cultivation are still rare. Studies were conducted on quills and broiler chicken fed with coriander as an in-feed addictive. From the reported data, coriander in poultry feed can be beneficial. Generally, the addition of coriander extract or coriander seed was low (<4%). Poultry fed with coriander had higher feed consumption and feed conversion rate. Also, the quality of poultry parts (e.g., liver and breast meat) was improved with higher polyunsaturated fatty acids. The poultry cultivated with coriander feed was healthy, with their overall growth performance improved or maintained. Coriander in poultry feed can stimulate and promote poultry’s gut health. Because gut health can be related to host immunity and disease responses, coriander is an excellent in-feed material to modulate the improvement during poultry production.