Society 5.0, which aims at building a quality and prosperous life, requires education as a key component. Education towards society 5.0 requires an effective learning transformation and holistic approach based on culture. The principle of developing continuous education is the basis for improving the curriculum to adjust to the relevant socio-economic and cultural changes. The aim of education in society 5.0 is to be anticipatory, which means to be able to direct knowledge and age-based skills in the right places in order to provide the required skills consisting of three skill groups, namely learning and innovation skills, information, media and technology, and life and career skills. Learning transformation in society 5.0 requires resilience at the community, school, family, and individual levels, which is a system built with strong synergy between all elements of society and the government all working to achieve the same goals. This goal is to build a society which has a better quality of life in this increasingly accelerated technological development era without having to reduce the role of human beings.