The coronavirus pandemic has significant impacts on a whole life, including the learning process. Social distancing is applied in every part of activities as one way to reduce the spread of this disease and hence urge the community to support learning activities from distant. Thereby, the use of information technology and various kinds of platforms in online learning are immediately needed. This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of multiple platforms in online learning in medicinal education during a pandemic and the purposive sampling method used in this research. The students of health faculty fullfilled the questionnaires by using Google Forms. The survey was categorized into three major questions: (1) the various platforms used in online learning during Pandemic; (2) tools used in online learning; and (3) internet data capacity and network stability. There were 118 responses to the survey. The research showed that the platform used in online learning during Pandemic is more effective if it has fewer internet data capacity and network stability. It is supported in mobile devices and contains audio-text-visual aspects. Based on this situation, we must continue to develop technologies in the online learning process in this pandemic era to augment the new world of medicinal education.