Basically, education is one of the ways to improve the abilities of human beings. Therefore, in the long run, these people are expected to be characterized as adults and be able to live better independently. The use of technology and communication is identical to the social life of a community in the era of revolution 4.0 and the needs of society 5.0. This requires preventive actions against the negative impact of these developments so that individuals respond more wisely in dealing with changes. The negative impact of technological development in the form of television, printed media and social media leads to moral degradation in Indonesian people, such as increasing cases of corruption, harassment, humiliation, and so on. Therefore, character education is one of the methods used by the government through the new educational policies stated in the national education curriculum. Furthermore, the government has established primary education as the foundation for character building. This study reveals how to explore the strengthening of character education for students in the era of society 5.0 in primary schools through a literature review based on various sources.