When English is not only spoken by native speakers of English, English places itself more confidently in all aspects of life, including in the field of Education, and even learned by people with a variety of ages, including children. In an Asian country, particularly, Indonesia, children or young learners have opportunities to learn English from formal classroom instruction to non-formal education. However, since English in Indonesia spreads very largely, this inspires educators to open non-formal education that is English classes conducted outside of school curriculum, and held outside of formal classroom instruction. There are some Indonesian children taking these opportunities by attending the classes and programs offered. The aim of the study is to identify reasons why children like learning English. This study is gathering evidence on what factors that influence children like learning English. Data is obtained from one on one interview. The results of study indicate that there are a variety of reasons on why children like learning English in this context. The results of the interview show that five factors, namely, student level factors, parent level factors, teacher level factors, classroom level factors, and school level factors have a contribution on why children like learning English. The results of the study can be used to provide better assistance for students in order that educational goals can be met. In the future, the results of the study can be used to develop a model of teaching and learning English for children.