Great attention has been directed toward the covalent organic framework (COFs) for the energy storage applications due to their moderate cost, the abundant presence of linkers (or monomers) for the structural composition, and the ability to tune their electrochemical properties. Unlike other polymers, they are structurally predesignated, synthetically controllable, and functionally manageable. The topological design shows the formation layout which leads to the synthesis route and their different types. Progress over the past decade in the chemistry of synthesizing them has undoubtedly established the base of the COF field. This book chapter provides the necessary and detailed discussion pointing toward the different synthesizing routes of COFs with their detailed structure. Apart from synthetic routes, the applications of COFs toward the development of different types of energy storage devices like supercapacitors, batteries, fuel cells, and flexible devices are also covered along with their application on nanoscale, which is essential for the miniaturization of devices. Flexible devices are future generation devices and are important for scientists to develop the organic framework having long cycle life and less harm to the environment. Through that, the authors of this chapter expect the readers will attain a considerable amount of knowledge to endeavor on future experiments for the development of stable, highly porous, and robust COF structures.