This book on lifestyle medicine has focused on the prevention of the development and progression of dysglycemia- and transculturalized cardiometabolic-based chronic diseases (DBCD; tCMBCD). The deliverables for this book are prompted by a growing burden of these noncommunicable diseases and are deliberated in three parts: (1) “Problem” – demonstration of epidemiological and mechanistic substantiation that justifies a need for lifestyle medicine intervention; (2) “Premise” – a robust and comprehensive modeling that blends biological and social drivers, progressive evolution through discrete stages over time, precision to serve as an adaptive template to guide thought and action, and a preventive care paradigm to reduce chronic disease risk in a meaningful way; and (3) “Evidence” – pragmatic interventions to optimize a correct trajectory as lifestyle medicine evolves in a complex healthcare system. Subsequently, the key findings of this book are analyzed and then derived affirmed and emergent concepts synthesized into core recommendations for early and sustainable lifestyle medicine care plans on both individual- and population-based scales: (1) to implement routine case finding for insulin resistance in patients at risk for DBCD/tCMBCD; (2) to conduct research on lifestyle medicine and DMBD/tCMBCD; (3) to routinely discuss and guide healthy lifestyle change in patients with DBCD/tCMBCD; and (4) to reduce DBCD/tCMBCD burden on a population scale.