This chapter discusses both the physics and the improvements which have been achieved for Si/SiGe quantum well metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors and metal–semiconductor field-effect transistors. It looks at the advantages of quantum well and heterostructure Infrared-detectors, and explain their operation. It then discusses some topics regarding resonant tunneling Silicon/Silicon-Germanium diodes and transistors. The analysis of δ-doped structures provides with reference to both the Field-Effect Transistors and Resonant Tunneling devices. Two types of detectors discussed in this chapter. IR detectors based on creation of the photocurrent by excitation of carriers from the valence band to the conduction band (interband absorption). IR detectors based on creation of photocurrent by excitation of carriers over a Si/SiGe hetero-interface. Magnetotunneling experiments are of great interest, as they provide a probe into the physical nature of the tunneling process. Long-wave IR detectors have also recently been demonstrated in p-type Si/SiGe intersubband absorption multiple quantum wells at UCLA.