The over-riding aim of this research was the application of computer simulation in evaluating water quality improvement efficiency of constructed wetlands in an effort to enhance their proficiency and promote their utilization. The primary objectives of the study were to assemble into a computer simulation process the main components of phosphorous dynamics in stormwater wetlands and to test the utility of the process in simulating those phosphorous dynamics. As part of each computer modeling phase described above, the following sequence of tasks was carried out: study area discretization, parameter selection, sensitivity analysis and model calibration and validation. Transport processes of water quality constituents included in WASP5 simulation are advective flow and dispersive mixing in the water column, movement of pore water in the sediment bed, transport of particulate pollutants, and evaporation and precipitation processes. Net production of biomass simulated by the ECOL subroutine is determined by subtracting biomass respiration and washout from biomass productivity.