The Buffalo District Corps of Engineers needed a planning-level study for a 1,400 acre flood-prone area in the City of Buffalo, New York. The chapter describes the potential water quality improvements provided by the plan. Improvement of the diversion concept included these changes: The second refinement added the effects of storage due to basement flooding. Non-directlyconnected impervious areas are impervious surfaces that have pervious surfaces between their boundaries and the sewers. The HEC-1 hydrograph output for existing and proposed conditions was input to the EXTRAN block to assess hydraulic performance of this option. The refinement made in this planning study changed the method of modeling the diversion points in the plan from the SWMM 3.0 method. The water quality assessment was an estimate of the reduction in total mass loading at the drop structure, between existing conditions and conditions with the plan. Water diverted and stored in the Quarry would be treated later.