Cackling geese (Branta canadensis minima) are the smallest of ten subspecies of Canada geese. During first half of May, they arrive on their breeding grounds, primarily a 30-km wide strip along the Bering Sea coast between the mouths of Kuskokwim and Yukon Rivers in Alaska. Each pair establishes a territory over a portion of lake or pond in mid to late May. A nest is built on small island or peninsula once it becomes free of snow, ice, and meltwater. Most eggs hatch from June 25 to July 5. Parents lead their broods to sedge-grass flats where they feed on green sedge stems and later on sedge seeds. Adults undergo a molt of wing and tail feathers, and they are flightless for 3 1/2 to 4 weeks. Nonbreeding adults molt in July and breeding adults molt during July and very early August. In late August, cackling geese leave molting and brood-rearing areas and move to areas dominated by upland tundra.