This chapter concerns the use of individual countermeasures to fatigue, which are strategies that vehicle operators can use to manage or alleviate mild fatigue. Effective countermeasures and the use of ineffective strategies are discussed, as well as the influence of other factors. Before deciding on an appropriate countermeasure, it is vital to understand the cause of fatigue, which here is categorised into sleep-related and task-related fatigue. Taking a break is an effective countermeasure for task-related fatigue; however, it will not alleviate sleep-related fatigue. Although caffeine and napping are the only effective countermeasures for sleep-related fatigue, they are not always the most used strategies within transportation. Effective countermeasure use is a complex process, which can be influenced by several factors such as education and access. Importantly, individual countermeasures should be used strategically as short-term emergency measures, promoted as part of higher-level, operational fatigue management, and supported by an open safety culture.