Wireless Sensor Networks are very useful technologies used in every department such as military, health departments, education departments, agricultural departments, industrial departments, banking sectors, small businesses to large-scale businesses, etc. Without Wireless Sensor Networks, life is nothing. Nowadays, every field is working only through it due to COVID-19. If Wireless Sensor Networks do not present in our lives, how can contact each other in this time of COVID-19? That’s why it is required to deploy of distributed clustering approach in Wireless Sensor Networks. This chapter shows how the proposed distributed clustering approach is most useful compared to other clustering approaches used in it. This chapter also shows approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks for monitoring the efficiency, consumption, and QoS of WSNs on different network simulators such as MATLAB, NS, OPNet, TetCos, NetSim, etc. There are many reasons why this chapter proposes the distributed clustering approach in Wireless Sensor Networks such as sensor devices are liable to deficiency, to make available devices with backup in case of deficiency of the main device and for the enhanced gathering of data. WSNs which are connected with IoT stand for helpful networks in supporting the supervising, tracing, and sensing dissimilar ecological behavior. Sensor features play the most important role in scheming and affecting WSN.