There is a broad consensus that excellent yacht art design can stimulate consumers’ desire to purchase, and evidence has shown that local culture is the main driving force and inspiration source of yacht art design. Chinese ancient ships have produced very rich art forms, but these artistic features are rarely seen in yacht design, although these yacht products are designed to attract Chinese consumers. This paper works towards studying how to analyze the artistic and cultural characteristics of ancient Chinese ships, and consciously turn them into elements and inspiration of yacht localization design to solve this problem. Finally, a design DNA model of yacht localization design is established. To demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the model, two sets of comparative experiments were conducted with the ancient Chinese “Fu-boat” as the design object. The experimental results show that the cultural value of yacht design elements produced by using design DNA model at the same time has greater scope and depth and better design effect. The results prevented a kind of local cultural expression model and cross-cultural design communication tool for designers to establish and enhance the artistic and cultural value in yacht design.