During the pandemic, countless inaccurate information relating with COVID-19 circulates among public. To understand its nature, an analysis toward infodemic in West Java Province, Indonesia, is carried out and resulted in several findings. First, six themes of infodemic are detected, namely health, politics, religion, disaster, ethnic, and figures. Second, infodemic of COVID-19 is not about health issue. 60% of hoaxes are non-health issue, ranging from politics to religious and racial issues resulted on slurs. Third, misleading content is dominated the type of COVID-19 infodemic. These findings imply that COVID-19 infodemic in the area is a deliberate effort to instigate turmoil hence corrupting the credibility of authorities in handling the problem. Further investigation reveals how the narration of infodemic are often intertwined with political theme, or religious based theme. A deep insecure feeling for certain ethnic is part of conspiracy theory and reflected potential problem in the future.