This paper discusses productive waqf asset in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study examines the professionalism of productive waqf management in relation to the economic empowerment of the peoples. This study is important because waqf institutions have an obligation to publish reports to stakeholders and Allah SWT as the trustee of waqf assets. The aim is to map the quality of productive waqf management that reflects transparency and accountability. The approach used is qualitative methods through observation and in-depth interviews. The results obtained in the field are that some Nadzir waqaf in Indonesia such as Synergy Foundation that financial management is carried out in a professional, transparent and accountable manner. Meanwhile in Malaysia the findings suggest that productive waqf asset is still a new area to be developed in Malaysia, but the challenges to manage it are similar to managing zakat and other types of waqf. This research is expected to contribute both theoretically and practically in the management of assets.