Vocational High School is a secondary education level as a continuation of SMP/MTs which in its curriculum provides various specific expertise programs according to the competencies aimed at the vocational school. With these skills, it is intended that SMK graduates can immediately work according to their expertise. But in reality, this is not the case, many SMK graduates are not absorbed in the field of work, even SMK graduates are the biggest contributor to the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) compared to other education levels in West Java. The problems above indicate that SMK graduates are not ready to enter the field of work. This readiness is not only related to the skills readiness demanded by the job providers or companies, but more importantly because of their unstable career maturity. Career maturity here is related to how their career planning is, the extent to which they explore their careers, how they make decisions and the last is the extent to which they seek information about the field of work according to the vocational school they choose. This study wants to explore the description of the career maturity of vocational school students in Bandung, through descriptive statistical methods, the description is analyzed and becomes the career maturity profile of vocational students. As the research sample is the State Vocational High School Students in Bandung. The results showed that the majority of SMK Negeri students' career maturity was in the medium and low categories. The career maturity of SMK female students is slightly higher than the SMK male students. Among the 4 aspects of Career Maturity, the aspects of career exploration and word of work information are lower than other aspects.