SOS Children's Villages is a non-governmental non-profit social organization that actively supports children's rights, such as provide family and loving home. In order to complete the stages that have been carried out in the previous training, it is necessary to take the next step by providing further training on improving parenting skills to foster parents through roleplay and case examples. The lesson plans for this training are 1) definition and strategies to teach discipline to children, and 2) definition and strategies to teach about honesty to children. The methods used in this training are discussion, practice, and instruction. The results showed that it was effective, there was an increase in understanding among foster parents about how to discipline children, how to handle emotions in children, skills to build positive relationships, and skills to form discipline in children. Based on this study, the suggestions are there will be another collaboration between UNISBA and SOS Village Indonesia periodically, in order to maintain foster parent's knowledge and to improve their skills about parenting.