Anti-corruption education needs to be instilled from an early age so that the next generation of the nation has an anti-corruption spirit. The research team felt the need to conduct research on “Student Perceptions About the Selective Exposure of the Anti-Corruption Campaign On Facebook” with the aim of research to find out, analyze, and discuss: Attractiveness, Appropriateness, Clarity, Attitude, Duration and Exposure of Anti-Corruption Campaign media via Facebook. The research method used is a survey method through a comparative descriptive study at two tertiary institutions, namely Islamic Universities and State Universities. The re-search object was students who were hit by the anti-corruption campaign carried out by the KPK on Facebook. The population in this study were 1,341,951 netizens from Facebook. Sampling using the Slovin formula with α = 0.05 in order to obtain a sample of 200 netizens. The data collection technique is done by distributing questionnaires, observation, and literature study. The results showed that the comparison of students’ perceptions of Islamic Colleges and State Universities about the Anti-Corruption Campaign on Facebook, has the same perception, namely that the campaign has attractiveness, as needed, is clear, has a positive attitude, and follows the campaign on Facebook.