Analysis of tweets extracted from Twitter during a student demonstration against the rejection of the Job Creation Bill. Social Network Analysis (SNA) analysis techniques were used to analyze the online networks that appeared at that time. The data source comes from the social media platform twitter using a web-based application netlytic using the keyword #tolakomnibuslaw. The results of this analysis are 1) The trend of #tolakomnibuslaw posts was mostly posted on August 14, 2020 and decreased dramatically thereafter, 2) The @jokowi and @dpr_ri accounts are the most mentioned accounts in every #tolakomnibuslaw post because they are considered the most capable and right in conveying the aspirations of the hashtag #tolakomnibuslaw, 3) The @tonggosmovic, @ari_balangsax and @nhiarjuniar accounts are the top three accounts that post the most #tolakomnibuslaw hashtags which are BOT accounts because the digital opinion movement with the hashtag is limited to spread among or a community commanded by certain actors and 4) The hashtag has succeeded in mobilizing public opinion from certain circles and there is a tendency for actors to try to show their existence as critics who are always up to date in guarding government policy in this case, rejecting the regulations draft of Omnibuslaw.