Computing and communication mainly rely on the infrastructure of the system. The operation of local infrastructure is very difficult in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The operation in on-premises servers is becoming more challenging due to the huge workload and traffic. The platform must be able to provide an extra computing facility to manage the traffic. The evolution of new smart technologies with lots of sensor data and low latency mode increases the efficiency of the communication model. The latest technologically enhanced application is the cloud-centric model. The traditional cloud computing models are more complex in dealing with real-time data streams. The platform provides a place for all run-time applications to process. To improve the function of latency and efficiency of a system, new serverless computing is introduced. Serverless computing provides the application developer with emphasis on the development logic. No server management is required, and very less resource allocation is needed. The platform provides a better build in scalability and pay-as-you-go service with better utilization of resources. It is growing up as another persuading perspective change for sending cloud applications, by and large in light of the continuous development of undertaking application plans to compartments and miniature administrations. Serverless computing uses function-as-a-service (FaaS) model. FaaS liberates designers from the truly difficult work of working out or keeping up an unpredictable framework by executing code because of functions, which implies you can transfer secluded lumps of usefulness to the cloud that are executed autonomously to establish your service.