Due to the advancements in computer technology, there is an unprecedented growth in cloud computing technology. Cloud computing is a scalable and collective resource sharing framework with the aid of virtualization. Cloud computing helps in the virtualization of the resources to provide software as a service, infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service. Virtualization is a technical innovation that distinguishes functions from the underlying hardware and enables one to construct a useful environment from abstract tools. Attackers may breach VM infrastructures and get access to different VMs on the alike system. Attackers may get control of host VMs and perform malicious activity. This chapter gives an overview of the importance of virtualization in cloud computing, various security challenges in virtualization, and different types of security in virtualization. A hypervisor is a software program that exists between host virtual machines and hardware components. This chapter describes the cloud-based intrusion on the virtualized infrastructure and the best practices to follow in order to safeguard the computing resources and the user data from the attacker.