Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are front running technologies for building a smart world. With well-equipped infrastructure, most of the industries have adopted these technologies quickly for making their activities simple and easier. Many government sectors are also using AI and ML for reaching out to the citizens and providing better service. However agriculture, the backbone of our country is not able to reap the full benefits of these technologies. There are typically two important reasons for this. Firstly, most of the people involved in agriculture belongs to the low income group thus adopting these technologies are not affordable to them. The second reason is the lack of sufficient number of organizations that build farming equipment's based on these technologies. Only drones are widely used in smart farming.

Man-made intelligent applications in agriculture will assist farmers to do effective cultivation by giving them appropriate direction about watering the plants, soil fruitfulness, dampness content, temperature in the climate, time to do harvest, ideal planting, bug control, responsibility, sorting out information to work on various climatic conditions. While utilizing the AI calculations regarding pictures caught by satellites and robots, AI-empowered advances anticipate climate conditions, dissect crop maintainability and assess ranches for the presence of sicknesses or bugs and helps plant sustenance with information like temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and sun powered radiation.

This chapter gives an outline of the techniques and process to adopt AI and ML in transforming agriculture as a more beneficial profession and simplifying the farming process. The role of AI in determining the nature of the soil and recommending suitable plants, estimating the water requirement for the crops, retrieving the mineral contents in the soil regularly and alerting the farmers to add suitable minerals whenever required, detecting the disease in plants and alerting the farmers and forecasting the cost of the agricultural products and recommending suitable season for planting and harvesting were discussed in detail in this chapter.