In the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the right to housing is one of the greatest needs for promoting sustainable development. Using the concept of the right to the city and Brazilian legislation to reconcile housing/real estate development with protecting the environment and guaranteeing access to urban goods, this paper aims to analyse the implementation of the Quinta dos Paricás Housing Project, under the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program (known as PMCMV), located in the Maracacuera neighbourhood of the Brazilian municipality of Belém, Pará. This project facilitated a series of normative changes – most notably in the city Master Plan – for the area in which the project was implemented, and enabled major changes to the urban fabric of the region, providing conditions – previously unavailable – for real estate development, thereby contributing to the ineffectiveness of urban policy, and moving the poorest communities away from the city to which they have rights.