Currently, large urban centres and, in particular, their historic centres, daily challenge planners and designers in their search for new alternatives and redesigns that bring along solutions that can minimize problems such as insecurity and discomfort in public spaces. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyse indicators that show the socio-spatial qualities of urban streets and the relationship of these urban streets with private spaces in a strategic axis in Recife downtown (PE, Brazil); it aims at developing analytical and integrated planning tools, “capable of recognizing and activating the potential attractor and humanizer of urban streets as levers of a viable, environmentally harmonious and socially just development” (Duarte et al, 2018). The result of this work also means an integration of teaching, research and extension activities, enabling a broader understanding of the public space as an essential stage for the exercise of citizenship, respect for diversity, and encouragement for human coexistence, even in times of social distancing.