Healthcare 4.0 has become an important asset as it deals with human life and uses the most advanced technologies to carry out its daily work. Healthcare 4.0 consists of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and other recent and advanced technologies. This makes Healthcare 4.0 more complex in heterogeneous in implementation. Moreover, the use of more personal data in healthcare 4.0 lures adversaries to perform various attacks to gain financials using patients’ personal data. Various cyber-attacks are possible on healthcare 4.0 because of its heterogeneous nature. The vulnerabilities in any system become more when devices used in it are from different manufactures. The healthcare 4.0 is combination of such devices. It is important to prevent, protect and identify external or internal attacks on healthcare 4.0. The blockchain, being a decentralised concept, could be used efficiently in many technologies that need data protection and attack traceability. This paper deeply analyses various parameters of healthcare 4.0 that makes it vulnerable. The paper also presents the challenges faced by blockchain. Moreover, this paper also provides blockchain as a state-of-art solution to various cyber critical issues in healthcare 4.0.