Obesity is one of the most apparent yet neglected public-health issues affecting many people in both resource-rich and -developing countries. Obesity is characterized by increased amounts of free fatty acids, reactive oxygen, and nitrogen in the bloodstream. Apart from driving a heightened pro-inflammatory response, the expansion of adipose tissue during obesity can cause an increase in free radical species, eventually leading to increased oxidative stress. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) controls the expression of genes involved in preventing oxidative damage. The activation of Nrf2 has been found to boost the body's defenses against oxidative stress, eventually aiding in redox balance. Since obesity is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, the Nrf2 pathway is relevant in obesity prevention and/or treatment. In both health and diseased situations, there is evidence that flavonoids in dietary and herbal plants offer potential benefits in preventing and treating obesity and other metabolic disorders and can also activate the Nrf2 pathway directly.