Clinical trials use clinical research to estimate the safety and efficacy of the drugs, treatment regimens, diagnostic products, and technology. Treatment research, preventative research, diagnostic research, screening research, and other types of clinical research exist based on the needs of study. Clinical trials are a type of clinical research that begins with pre-clinical studies and finishes with postmarking vigilance to evaluate new interventions. Bioinformatics (BI) software applications are extremely useful for drug discovery and development. To satisfy needs, BI tools are divided into standard and bespoke products. BI is carried out daily using tools like BLAST, EMBOSS, and THREADER for sequence analysis and structure prediction. Software such as electronic data capture, remote data capture, and electronic case report forms is especially useful for data storage in clinical trials. A drug’s safety is assessed after it has been marketed. After a medicine is marketed, software such as Oracle Argus or ARISg is used to monitor its safety. For drug design, drug development, clinical trials, and pharmacovigilance, various software is now employed. The authors cover a variety of modern software and BI technologies that are commonly utilized in clinical research.