Cloud computing (CC) is a way of looking at the world that enables “utility computing,” such as the gradual rental of computation tools such as computer processing capacity, memory, and tools related to networking in which there is little or no collaboration with the supplier. CC’s primary purpose is delivery to customers of hardware as well as software assets via network connections. There are three elements in CC: the first is the cloud service provider, the second is the data owner, and the third is the client. For pharmaceutical manufacturing, developed improvements such as automated equipment are the most valuable thing as is the keen usage of CC as well as a system of cyber security. This is beneficial in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. This sector is focused on supplying safe, certified, and high-quality products to meet market demands. It is currently well accepted that the use of computational drug revelation methodologies may help to reveal novel pharmaceuticals, and several endorsed medications have reached and passed clinical preliminaries with their help. CC is an attractive tool in the contribution of computational resources for drug research conducted with a variety of purposes. In this chapter, there is a brief explanation about various CC tools that are used in the drug development process, such as collaborative drug discovery, in silico drug discovery, and free energy perturbation. This review will also explain CC’s role in drug repositioning. Advances in high-throughput technology have simplified the process of obtaining patient genetic profiles. Information is provided on various applications of CC in the drug development process like virtual screening, structure-based drug discovery with virtual screening, next generation sequencing, high content screening, CC for comparative genomics, cloud platforms for genomics, Amazon Elastic Cloud computing, Discovery Cloud, and Big Data. Also, the benefits and limitations of CC are explained.