The internet of things (IoT) is an essential part of our daily life. It is an emerging technology designed as a global network of machines and devices that can interact with each other. The IoT is recognized as one of the most critical areas for future technologies, gaining worldwide attention. IoT applies to many areas where success has been achieved, such as healthcare, where each patient is monitored via a group of nodes and lightweight sensors. However, the powerful functions of IoT in the medical field are based on the communication, analysis, processing, and management of data autonomously without any manual intervention, which presents many difficulties in energy consumption and storage. However, these issues significantly slow down the development and rapid deployment of this technology. Therefore, the creation of a new lightweight and robust mechanism is necessary to minimize the energy consumption of these objects and to make these objects more efficient and less expensive. While adapting to the storage capacities of technology and the development of the medical field, this chapter has two aims. In a first part, it will present the role of energy consumption and storage as a fundamental approach for the successful deployment of IoT medical products and services. Thus, we offer a method that minimizes the energy consumption and meets our storage needs. The second aim is to implement the solution to interpret the general result of our study and display the success rate.