The Annonaceae family is the largest of the order Magnoliales, with 112 genera and 2,440 plant species. There are about 900 species in the Neotropics, 1200 species in the tropical regions of Asia and Australia, and approximately 450 species in Africa. The main morphological characteristics presented by its species are diffused alternate leaves, simple, without stipules and entire margins; isolated flowers or gathered in inflorescences, hemicyclic, hermaphrodite, diclamyds, with differentiated perianth in the calyx and corolla, in general, they are trymere and fleshy; numerous stamens, arranged in a spiral fashion and superior ovary with numerous apocarpic carpels with one to many ovules. Their fruits are rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, lipids, vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds. The most well-known fruits are from the genus Annona, such as the soursop (Annona muricata), the ata (A. squamosa), the condessa (A. reticulata), the araticum (A. crassiflora) and the biribá (A. mucosa). Chemically, the Annonaceae have a rich content in alkaloids and acetogenins, besides essential oils composed of sesquiterpenoid alcohols and germacrene D, α-pinene, β-pinene, caryophyllene oxide, (E)-caryophyllene, limonene, spatulenol, bicyclogermacrene and β-elemene, among other substances. Thus, the species of this family are widely used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases, and some of these medicinal properties have already been proven, such as: antibacterial, antitumor, antimalarial, leishmanicidal, anticonvulsant, antiviral, trypanocidal, antiprotozoal, anticholinesterase, antioxidant, among others. Besides the nutritional and pharmacological potential, this family also stands out in the biotechnological field, through bioinsecticide formulations, for agricultural application and green synthesis of nanoparticles and nanosuspensions, with pharmaceutical applications. Thus, the species of this family are potential agents for applications in food, chemical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and materials industries, etc., being an exponent of the development of science and technology. In this context, the objective of this chapter was to bring a general presentation about the Annonaceae family, focusing on its chemical composition, nutritional aspects, pharmacological properties and biotechnological applications.