The new World Economic Forum-Ipsos vaccine trust study reveals that clear intent to have a vaccine for COVID-19 has improved in the United Kingdom and the United States, two countries where vaccines have begun to be delivered. In most other countries surveyed, however, vaccine trust has fallen. The primary reason people claim they won’t get a vaccine for COVID-19 is that they fear side effects. Because of the short development time and the new technology, these vaccines will be used with several unresolved problems that can be clarified only by the passage of time. Technical issues relating to the manufacture of billions of doses, as well as ethical issues relating to the availability of these vaccines in even the poorest countries, are looming challenges. In order to ensure equal global access, safety of diverse subjects, and immunity against viral variants, we believe that more than one vaccine will be needed in the long run. In this research study, the impact of COVID vaccination on the globe is studied using machine learning, and the trends found to be very interesting and presented in the result section.