Image Analysis in the domain of medical field is playing an important role in diagnosing and treatment of disease and detection of cancers in early stages. As a traditional method for identifying bone features, the microscopic images were used. These images are acquired by using radiation in the range of micrometers, where it needed to be repeated. Hence it is a laborious process which consumes much time. So, this method is insufficient to process low quality images. Hence, an automated and consistent technique is required to carry out the image analysis.

Bone tumour is actually difficult to be screened and identified as compared with any other connective tissue since the out growth are lumps can be predicted easier. This tissue consists of cell- osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes. A bone tumor, is a neoplastic development of tissue taking place in bone. Anomalous developments found in the bone can be either benign (benevolent/ noncancerous) or malignant (harmful /destructive). Our purpose is to track the development of tumors at initial stage using image analysis.