In the current times, where social interaction is degrading to its least, triggered by the pandemic and before by digital era life rhythm, a social need of reviving interaction with nature and with creatures is emerging to refute this emotional isolation. Evident in a number of public everyday life activities, especially and on a worldwide basis is the interaction with birds or pigeons by feeding, playing, and watching their flocks. These creatures were the main precursors that activated our mind to think in an integrated design solution that brings human beings closer to their natural environment through reintroducing it to their isolated architectural and urban capsules that they trapped themselves in. In this work we propose a tri-symbiosis between humans, pigeons, and algae as equal partners in supporting environmental, economic, and urban design sustainability. This integrated solution is based on using algae as a dietary supplement system for pigeons instead of other grains that are imposing economic stress on cities. From one side, this solves two parts of this interconnected network of the human–pigeon interaction as a simple solution for an economic problem, while solving an urban sustainability problem by integrating mass cultivation of Chlorella spp photobioreactors in a cost-effective and eco-friendly manner. The realization of form–function coupling emerges from the concept of the bioreactors design, which is extracted from swarm behavior of Columba livia as agents influenced by human swarming patterns together in open urban areas. This photobioreactor was then optimized for digital fabrication intended for future applications under architectural and urban design.