Therapeutic foods are products, which are multiutility food products that may be used as nutrition as well as medicine. Therapeutic foods can also form a part of treatment/prevention/reduction of other health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, anaemia and any other lifestyle disorders. Starting from blood glucose levels upon the fed state, insulin has the main role to increase the rate of glucose oxidation in the liver and muscle while at the same time it converts glucose concentrations to glycogen. The problems therefore, are without insulin, glucose transport into the cells will be insufficient, lacking glucose, and cells will have to rely on protein and fat catabolism for fuel. Glucose is the main fuel for contracting muscle, and normal glucose metabolism is vital for health. Glucose enters the muscle cell via facilitated diffusion through the GLUT4 glucose transporter which translocates from intracellular storage depots to the plasma membrane and T-tubules upon muscle contraction.