Salt affected soils can be visually identified, however, for proper management of these soils chemical analysis is required for the quantification of severity of problem and designing strategies for management. Like saline soils, sodic soils also require good soil drainage and low groundwater level. Like sodic soils, remediation of saline-sodic soils requires an extra step of applying calcium supplements followed by salinity remediation practices of improving soil drainage and lowering down the water-table level. As the soil salinity decreases through improved drainage or management, calcium and magnesium salts are preferentially leached away and sodium is more slowly leached and eventually dominates the soil. Straw mulching has been also found effective in amelioration of saline-sodic soil by reducing crust formation and evapotranspiration. Therefore, their management strategies includes application of amendments in soil along with selection of suitable irrigation methods, amount of irrigation and time of application that leads to less salt buildup in soil.