Production and reproduction performance of cows depends on the care and management during calf and heifer stage. Rearing period of heifers can be divided into two stages, viz. from weaning to first service and service to calving. Calf draws a significant quantity of nutrients from the mothers system. At the time of birth the cow does neat job of licking the calf dry and stimulate its circulation and respiration with hard licking. Colostrums contains large amount of gamma globulins which are nothing but anti-bodies gives passive immunity. Time of feeding colostrums is equally important to the quality. Ig passes across the gut wall at the most rapid rate during the first 1-2 hours of life. Heifers are future cows of the herd. Production and reproduction performance of cows depends on the care and management during calf and heifer stage. Colostrums contains large amount of gamma globulins which are nothing but anti-bodies gives passive immunity.