Advancements in the internet of things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data have substantially impacted industries and brought the concept of Industry 4.0. The adaptation of data-driven manufacturing technologies in Industry 4.0 integrates the data across the entire manufacturing cycle horizontally as well as vertically. It increases the volume and variety of data in the whole product life cycle. There is a huge opportunity to transform the current manufacturing model into smart manufacturing through Industry 4.0 using Big data. Entrepreneurs are frequently confronted with inadequate and unstructured information due to a lack of data; entrepreneurship may be vibrant soil for research on decision processes. Currently, entrepreneurs face significant problems in this up-gradation of their traditional decision-making models to data-driven decision-making models. In this study, various commonly used traditional decision-making techniques in manufacturing are briefly reviewed, and a comprehensive study on the transformation of decision-making methods is presented.