Medicinal plants are known to Indian traditional healers since time immemorial. The plants were collected from the wild and were used in many preparations of wellness products. India is endowed with diverse group of medicinal plants accounting for more than 8000 species which are being used in more than 10,000 herbal products. Tulsi crop is attacked by several sucking insect pests like lace bug Cochlochila bullita (Stal), whitefly Aleurodicus disperses Russell, Dialeurodes sp. and aphid Macrosiphum sp. but C. bullita and A. despersus found throughout the year while aphid appeared occasionally in December-January. Lacewing bug is one of the serious pests of Tulsi, adult lace bugs usually feed on tender shoots of the herb causing them to wilt and eventually die and in many instances, nymphs and adults feed, gregariously on the leaves, leaving tiny black spots of excrement on the upper surface of the leaves.