Litchi, like most fruit tree crops, is usually attacked by two or three key pests, several secondary pests and a large number of occasional pests in localized areas where it is grown. Maximum fruit damage is recorded April-May in the fruits and highest population of pest in August-September months usually recorded on younger shoots. The adult as well as nymphs both causes direct damage by sucking the sap on the flowers and fruits, which may wilt and die and ultimately to fall down. Biointensive management strategy for T. javanica involves reducing the overwintering adult populations as much as possible before egg laying commences by manual removal of adults. Mite is the major pests in the litchi growing parts of the India. The incidence of litchi mite can be observed round the year on litchi trees. Pest damage can be characterized by the presence of long-winding, thick, blackish or brownish ribbon-like masses composed of small chips of wood and excreta.