India has popped out as one of the largest sugar processing country throughout the world. Through the collaboration of research and development carried out in the field of sugar processing, this industry has witnessed the vast changes in term of technology. Zumbe reported that the sugar products in terms of confectioneries are popularly consumed around the world, with sophisticated modifications and different attributes including sweetness, aroma, flavor, texture and mouth-feel. Nutraceutical inventory in sugar based products enhances its functional property. The processing techniques of honey includes thermal processing, microwave heating, infrared heating, ultrasound processing and membrane processing. Katke reported that there are many honey based products are available, one such products in candy with the incorporation of aonla fruit. Salt is basically added during the cooking or can be added from above. Salt is basically the combination of sodium and chloride. Shrivastav reported that the jaggery is used as the natural sweetener which is derived from the sugarcane.